Skip to main content Saturday, 10.11 from 12:30pm - 2:30pm
The Sea Ranch Farm

Join the Kids Club at the Lodge throughout the year for a series of kid-friendly seasonal events! Get crafty with your little ones as we make decorate pumpkins!  We'll also have face painting, trick or treating, and more to celebrate fall. All ages are welcome.

Kids Club Fall Fesitval Craft Activities 10.11

Kids Club Fall Fesitval Craft Activities 10.11

October 11
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
The Sea Ranch Lodge

Saturday, 10.11 from 12:30pm - 2:30pm
The Sea Ranch Farm

Join the Kids Club at the Lodge throughout the year for a series of kid-friendly seasonal events! Get crafty with your little ones as we make decorate pumpkins!  We'll also have face painting, trick or treating, and more to celebrate fall. All ages are welcome.

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