Skip to main content Thursday, 12.12 through Monday, 12.23

The Lodge will be featuring “12 Days of Cookies” starting 12.12. Every holiday eve, our team will share their favorite holiday cookies with you from around the world. Each night will feature a different cookie from family recipes enjoyed for years during this festive time. We are looking forward to sharing our best memories of holidays past with you!

12 Days of Cookies at The Sea Ranch Lodge

12 Days of Cookies at The Sea Ranch Lodge

December 12
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The Café

Thursday, 12.12 through Monday, 12.23

The Lodge will be featuring “12 Days of Cookies” starting 12.12. Every holiday eve, our team will share their favorite holiday cookies with you from around the world. Each night will feature a different cookie from family recipes enjoyed for years during this festive time. We are looking forward to sharing our best memories of holidays past with you!

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